medical discourse, language game, metaphor, interaction, suggestive influence.Abstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of the language game, as one of the main elements of suggestive influence during the communicative interaction between the doctor and the patient, and also considers the metaphor as one of the varieties of the language game. A person has always had the ability and inclination to give playful form to all aspects of his life. The game is a necessary way of social life, something that supports the ideal, which in turn determines the spiritual culture of the era. From the spontaneous quality, the rhythm of life, the game becomes for certain strata of society, and in some periods for society as a whole, a dramatic fabric for the realization of some higher social plot, moral and social idea, therefore it became an integral part of medical communication. A language game is a multifaceted phenomenon that has at the same time a stylistic, psycholinguistic, pragmatic and aesthetic nature. The multifacetedness of this phenomenon makes it difficult to define a consistent and comprehensive language game, not all aspects of which are sufficiently well studied. Language play brings aesthetic pleasure and satisfies psycho-emotional needs. By playing with the form of speech, the speaker enhances its expressiveness or creates a comic effect, contributes to the creation of new words, thereby enriching the language. The introduction of the language game into the medical discourse indicates its significant pragmatic significance opportunities Providing information using a language game contributes to optimization information impact on the one who receives it. In the hierarchy of functions of the language game in the debatable space of medical communication, the main role belongs to the function of suggestive influence, to which the aesthetic function is subordinate, and as a derivative of these functions, which includes the evaluative nature of information and the stylistic manner of its presentation, the worldview function arises. The work analyzes the peculiarities of such a type of speech game as a metaphor, which harmonizes communication, establishes communicative coordination, contributes to the discharge of negative emotional energy caused by the presence of symptoms of diseases, and also proves that metaphor as a type of speech game improves the speech interaction “doctor-patient” and increases the suggestive effect.
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