


adverbial attribution, process predicates, adverbs in -о, -е // -ly, sentence-expression of the Ukrainian and English languages, invariant semantic structure.


The article deals with the peculiarities of adverbial attribution of process predicates in sentences-expressions of the Ukrainian and English languages. Its purpose is to analyze the features of interaction of adjectival adverbs in -о, -е // -ly with process predicates used in both languages to indicate situations related to qualitative and quantitative transformations of certain objects, phenomena, beings. The functional-semantic heterogeneity of the analyzed units is demonstrated, adverbs with a general value (Adv ah), manner (Adv man), qualitative (Adv qual), quantitative (Adv quan) are singled out among them: actually quantitative and qualitative-quantitative - with the meaning of intensity (Adv intens), frequency and interval (Adv freq), duration (Adv dur), time (Adv temp), place (Advloc.), purpose (Advfin), causative (Adv caus). Emphasis is placed on their belonging to the most active facultative spreaders, and at the same time, markers of the semantic non-elementarity of specific statements with different types of predicates. It is shown that process predicates occupy an intermediate position between the main predicate values – action and state, because, unlike action predicates, they reflect such situations in which the subject is not the creator of the action, but subordinate to it, is subject to its transforming influence. The semantic heterogeneity of the predicates of the process, their ability to indicate a) changes in physical objects has been proven; b) external changes in living nature; c) changes in the internal properties of beings; d) changes that concern the spiritual world of a person; e) changes in economic affairs and social status of people; f) changes related to typical behavioral traits, emotional and mental state of a person, features of his mental composition or intellectual and creative sphere and the expediency of isolating invariant semantic structures (ISS). It is shown that the intention to attribution by adverbs in -о (-е) // -ly is revealed by predicates belonging to the ISS “changes in physical objects”, “external changes in living nature”, “changes in the internal properties of beings”. It has been established which adverbs of functional-semantic types are possible in utterances with the specified ISS. The most active units in both compared languages are singled out – adverbs of manner, qualitative and quantitative.


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