


pragmatics of the word, lexical meaning, components of pragmatic meaning, business texts, tender document.


The article describes the peculiarities of the pragmatic meaning of the word in the text of the tender documentation. It has been determined the interpretation of pragmatic meaning and relevance of the chosen topic, which is related to the latest trends in modern linguistics to consider linguistic phenomena in the dynamics of speech functioning. The research was conducted using distributive, pragmatic and functional-stylistic analysis. Emphasis is placed on the fact that some scholars distinguish the meaning of the word into lexical, grammatical and pragmatic, attributing the pragmatic meaning of the word outside the lexical meaning. The theory of three-component structure of word meaning has been presented, which includes: conceptual, emotional-evaluative (connotation) and pragmatic parts. Connotation, in turn, is interpreted as additional information about the speaker’s attitude to the subject, which forms an expressive color of speech. The theory of multicomponent model of lexical meaning has been also analyzed, which contains the following components: denotative, significant, paradigmatic, syntagmatic, background and pragmatic components. It has been established that the context and intentions of the sender affect the actualization of a component of lexical meaning. The structure of the pragmatic component has been outlined and analyzed, which includes four contexts: reflexive, evaluative, emotional and stylistic. The crucial role in the mutual understanding between the addressee and the sender has been proved by means of presupposition and reflection. The examples, presented in the article, show that the main purpose of the reflexive process initiated by the sender is to encourage the addressee to fulfill certain obligations related to participation in the tender. It has been established that the evaluation component operates on two levels: the evaluation is implemented on a scale of “good” – “bad” and demonstrates the correlation of the use of the word with the formal business style. Research on the emotional microcomponent has shown that only expressions of emotions such as confidence and approval can be recognized in business documents, resulting in barely perceptible connotations of formal business style. The stylistic microcomponent is actualized in the use of lexicon (archaisms, fixed phrases) marked by the connotation of high style, clearly fixed exclusively in the written sphere of communication.


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