



gender, social linguistics, linguistics, emotional intelligence, identity, gender issues, emotive language, figurative language, COVID-19, coronavirus


At this time, there is a growing interest in research in the field of emotions and gender. Communication space is fulfilled with emotions. Emotions are the main part of mentality and the linguistic component of the consciousness of one`s individual. The presence of gender differences in the aspect of emotional intelligence is based on obvious factors, while reviewing experts on this issue differ significantly. In our study, we take into account the specifics of the gender transformation of emotions regarding vaccination during COVID-19 in the media. For the last two years, COVID-19 pandemic has been more relevant than other topics. With the advent of the vaccine, people express different opinions among themselves. The importance of studying the peculiarities of gender language in linguistics is determined. Especially in these times when the role of men and women in society is changing. The concepts of emotional intelligence and gender are defined. It was found that different aspects affect the formation of gender. Namely: biological, social constructivist and social development. But the biggest aspect that affects a person is social. After all, the society itself has formed a number of rules that must be followed by men and women. It was established the differences between language in the expression of emotions in the comments related to COVID-19, by using comparative and descriptive methods. 202 comments from the social media platform Twitter were analyzed. Of these, 91 were male and 111 were female. It was found out that man and women expressions of emotions are not so different. According to the results of the analysis, it is clear that women describe situations in more detail under the influence of emotions. In addition, they express negative and positive emotions more obviously. Women are more active in expressing emotions, especially anger, resentment, and hatred. Men show their emotions but still in a rather restrained format. Comments that are neutral or vague are usually written by men. The relevance of the work is that the gender linguistic representation of emotional intelligence is little studied, but a popular concern. Further prospects for the study of this topic are outlined. The materials were extracted from the social media platform “Tweeter”.


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