



combinatorial processes, assimilation, dissimilation, apheresis, dieresis, epenthesis, metathesis, haplology


The study and description of phonetic phenomena is an important component of dialectological research, as it reveals clear differential features of individual dialects and dialect groups. This factor acquires special significance for the East Polissya area, located in the region of the original interdialectal contact and motivates the relevance of our article. The aim of the work is to analyze combinatorial sound changes (assimilation, dissimilation, apheresis, dieresis, epenthesis, metathesis, haplology) on the basis of own written and sound recordings, which are inherent in both North Ukrainian dialects in general and their specific manifestations in the studied material that we call Siveskiy dialect. Systematization of the collected material, identification of the causes of sound dialect changes are the main tasks of our research. To achieve this goal we use the following methods. Classification of factual material and its generalization is carried out by methods of analysis and synthesis. Using the linguogeographical method, we study the area of functioning of dialect units. Reconstruction of the meanings of individual regional word forms takes place by the method of semantic-etymological analysis. We use a descriptive method to describe the studied phonetic phenomena. Sound processes characteristic of Polissya dialects are analyzed and reflected in various aspects. However, there are no works that systematically trace the combinatorial phenomena of the northern part of the East Polissya area, which determines the novelty of our publication. In addition, new factual material of the Siverskiy dialect is introduced into scientific circulation. The study illustrates the number of combinatorial changes in the groups of consonants and vowels and their various modifications in the form of assimilation, dissimilation, apheresis, dieresis, epenthesis, metathesis, haplology in the northern dialect. The most frequent among the phonetic interactions in the speech flow are different types of assimilation and apheresis. It is proved that the phonetic processes inherent in the Northern dialect enrich its lexical structure and by their nature and peculiarities of implementation correspond to the general tendencies of development of the North Ukrainian dialects in general and the East Polissya language area in particular.


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