



anthology, collection, dramaturgy, “TIME & SPACE”, metatext, trans-knee trauma, semiotisation


The article examines the anthology of contemporary Ukrainian historical drama “TIME & SPACE” from several current methodological positions, which is inscribed in the general contexts of Ukrainian literary anthology of the XXI century and in the structural and functional contexts of eight more drama collections organized by the Lesy Kurbas National Center for Theater Arts. This anthology includes twelve modern dramatic texts by Anna Bagryana, Yaroslav Vereshchak, Oleksandr Vitеr, Oleksandr Gavrosh, Bohdan Zholdak, Nadiya Marchuk, Oleg Mykolaychuk-Nyzovets, Neda Nezhdana, Anatoliy Pokryshen, and Igor Yuzyuk. It is established that “TIME & SPACE” can be considered as a metatext structure primarily due to the internal features of this corpus (the accentuated figure of the compiler-“collector”, construction of a certain internal stratification, dual nature of conceptual anthology as a literary text and as literary reflection at the same time, invitation of recipients to different formats of dialogicity, complicated semantics of theatrical signs, decolonial optics of texts). At the same time, attention was drawn to the external contexts of the anthology “TIME & SPACE” with many modern Ukrainian anthologies, in which texts of other genres are arranged. The typological parallels of this corpus of dramatic texts and other dramatic collections, which represent modern Ukrainian drama to a wide range of recipients (readers/spectators/researchers/ theaters), are also reflected. In the end, it is shown how the dramatic anthology “TIME & SPACE” semiotizes the modern artistic version of Ukrainian historical retrospective: its “benchmark” plots are assigned stable modeling meanings, these plots are endowed with properties of potential and promising processes that can influence further cultural.


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