
  • Nataliia HOLUBENKO Kyiv National Linguistic University




translation variability, multimodality, creolized text, intersemiotic translation, sign, linguistic and cultural code


The article is devoted to the study of the basic features of encoding / decoding the linguistic and cultural code through the prism of intersemiotic reading of the original. Approaches to understanding various manifestations of intersemiotic translation in comparison with other types of translation are considered, paying special attention to the processes of interpretation of various Sign Systems. The theoretical and methodological nature of the article is explained by insufficiently studied and justified factors of asymmetry of text perception in various semiotic planes. The founder of this scientific polemic is considered to be R. Jacobson with his article on the linguistic aspects translation, where the researcher proposed to distinguish three types of translation: intralinguistic, interlinguistic, and intersemiotic. Intersemiotic translation is the interpretation of verbal signs by nonverbal ones. It is important to note that translation is not limited to simply transferring meanings between languages and cultures, therefore it is about contextualizing signs. Individual cultural phenomena (appearance, clothing, artifact, song) have the status of a linguistic and cultural code; they find meaning only in the general context of the work and reflect the macro-meaning of the whole text. The peculiarity of intersemiotic translation is that it deals with two or more sign systems, for example, language, music, dance or visual, etc. The main goal of intersemiotic translation is to convey this macro sense. Accordingly, cultural meanings are understood not at the level of individual meanings and micro-meanings, but at the level of the macromeaning in the formation of which they take place. Thus, intersemiotic translation, which causes some changes between signs, is considered from the point of view of multimodality, which, regardless of its type, is established by using different types of signs. Finding the right code for the transcoding process predicted by multimodality leads to new variants of information or a set of characters that always cause small changes in form or meaning depending on how similar the languages or words / expressions present in the same language are.


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