
  • Iryna HALDETSKA National Academy of Internal Affairs
  • Natalia STRATULAT National Academy of Internal Affairs



Ukrainian language, English language, current legislation, requirements for a specialist, professional qualification, modern standards, educational sphere, legal sphere


In terms of the development of modern trends in training, represented in modern law, the speech culture of a lawyer plays a leading role (in particular, forms a positive image of the legal community and Ukraine as the state they represent), and issues of its development and perfection become very relevant both during the process of mastering the profession and directly in legal practice, which, in fact, requires detailed study. The importance of researching the outlined issue is due to the modern dimensions of society (the requirements and standards of the lawyer as a specialist), as well as the coverage of these issues in the legal field. In the current development of the Ukrainian state, the issue of forming a highly developed professional personality of a lawyer is one of the priority tasks in society. The basis of professional literacy of a representative of the legal sphere is language and communication competencies. Mastering Ukrainian as a state language and English as an international language at the appropriate level contributes to the competitiveness of a specialist in the labor market: a lawyer can be a highly qualified specialist with perfect mastery of both Ukrainian and English. Public inquiries about the speech and professional competencies of a lawyer are reflected in a number of legal acts, the provisions of which highlight aspects of mandatory knowledge of the state and international languages. The higher the level of communicative competencies, the higher the level of professionalism is. The legal provisions of the current normative legal documents provided grounds to characterize the requirements of society to a legal specialist in terms of those competencies that are key in the formation of a professional personality. The legal basis is determined by a certain legislative hierarchy: the reflection of public inquiries both in the Basic Law (the Constitution of Ukraine) and in documents of lower legal force than the legal force of the latter. Proposals for the effective implementation of the legislative spectrum under consideration in the educational sphere: increasing the volume of hours in academic disciplines of the cultural and professional direction; introduction of training courses (in Ukrainian and English) aimed at increasing the level of the culture of professional speech; introduction of trainings for participants in the educational process to master the features of professional speech to the curriculum of applicants in the legal specialty.


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