


«Canzoniere», F. Petrarch, imitation, literary tradition, Petrarchism


Purpose of the article is to follow the evolution of scientific views on the literary-aesthetic phenomenon of Petrarchism and on this basis to reach a certain «common denominator» in its interpretation. The use of the term «Petrarchism» in the meaning of the imitation of artistical peculiarities of F. Petrarch’s works was recorded in written form for the first time in Franko’s dialogue by the title «Il Petrarchista» (1539). J. Conti and A. Galli are traditionally considered to be the first Italian petrarchists. At early stages Italian Petrarchism had mostly spontaneous character – the situation changed completely when the treatise «Reflections of Prose Vernacular» by P. Bembo had been published, in which the author suggested a deep theoretical explanation of Petrarchism. Appearing and acquiring the most success in F. Petrarch’s motherland, Petrarhism also experienced the most profound and comprehensive scientific understanding there. The most significant achievement of Italian researchers of the Petrarch’s discourse was the conclusion that the phenomenon of Petrarchism was caused by the specific character of the Renaissance culture, which was based on the idea of the imitation as a necessary condition for the mediation of the individual experience, that is why any accusations in the imitation and copying of petrarchists are baseless. The national variants of Petrarchism were more important for researchers outside Italy. Among those works where the followers of F. Petrarch are seen occasionally as a general European movement, we can single out G. Braden, E. Wilkins, G. Waller, N. Ricklefs, L. Forster. The most profound work about the problem of Petrarchism in the post-Soviet space is «Italian Petrarchism in the XV – XVI centuries: Tradition and Canon» by T. Yakushkina. The author in this work not only highlights and analyses in details the basic content and formal characteristics of Petrarchism texts but also traces the process of the transformation of the lyrical tradition of Petrarchism in Bembo’s works and his followers on the canon. Ukrainian literary criticism in the scientific development of Petrarchism gains almost no results. A few small articles (A. Bokovets, O. Dakalenko, T. Lukа), thesis by G. Yuzkiv about features of Petrarchism of the Ukrainian love lyrics and the slogan of P. Ryhlo in reference edition «Lexicon of General and Comparative Literature» can be named in this context. The definition of Petrarchism still remains controversial. We will try to formulate its compromise definition based on the conducted analysis of historiography of the problem. In our view, Petrarchism is a trend in the European poetry based on the orientation on the literary texts of F. Petrarch, first of all on his «Book of Songs» that is substantially determined as the embodiment of the Neoplatonic conception of love and formally determined as normative principals of the treatise «Reflections of Prose Vernacular» by P. Bembo.


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