literary concept, verbalization, verbalizer, author’s conceptual sphere, individual author’s concept, superiority over others.Abstract
Summary. The article is devoted to the means of verbalization of the literary concept of supériorité sur les autres «superiority over others» in M. Barberi’s novel «La gourmandise». The feeling and emphasis of one’s exclusivity, superiority over others are the main features of the main character of M. Barberi’s novel «La gourmandise», which presents the memories of an outstanding culinary critic who is aware of his uniqueness and greatness and emphasizes them in every way. His memories are connected with the search for a forgotten taste, in this search he remembers his relatives and friends, tells about his lightning-fast and brilliant career. The purpose of the work is to analyze and describe the peculiarities of the embodiment of the literary concept supériorité sur les autres in the text of M. Barberi’s novel «La gourmandise». In the work, this concept is revealed through the image of the main character – a well-known culinary critic. His memories alternate with the memories of his family members and his more distant surroundings. The concept of supériorite sur les autres in M. Barberi’s novel «La gourmandise» is realized through the extremely high self-esteem of the main character of the novel, through the assessment of his professional achievements, through the perception of the personality of the culinary critic by his environment, through the relationships of the main character with relatives, colleagues, acquaintances, etc., through their assessment of his moral qualities. Professional achievements have developed narcissism, ambition, self-confidence, self-admiration, egocentrism in the culinary critic. In his personal life, the main character is unable to make happy either his parents or his children, who feel lonely and unhappy. So, the professional achievements of the main character contrast with his inferiority in private life. The superiority of Metra over others is manifested in his appearance, behavior, attitude towards others, in bowing before him, in glorification by his colleagues, in recognition of him as a culinary Mentor and Teacher. In the text of the work, the analyzed concept of supériorité sur les autres closely collides and intersects with the concepts of amour de soi-(même), indifférence aux autres, égoïsme, égocentrisme, non-amour, pouvoir.
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