proper names, ways of translation, educational lexicon, transcoding, loan translation, ways of translation, descriptive translation, analogues, unification and standardization.Abstract
Summary. The paper elaborates the problem of translation of proper names in educational terminology from English into Ukrainian. This research is relevant since the literature review revealed lack of research on the issues of translation of proper names in terms of terminological fields as all previous research was mainly focused on the translation of proper names in fiction and literary texts. This study aims to analyze the peculiarities of translation of English proper names which belong to the lexical-semantic field of education into the Ukrainian language. The sources for the data of this research are the educational English-Ukrainian translation and explanatory dictionaries of educational lexicon, educational and pedagogical Internet sources. The main focus of the study is made on the culturally bound proper names as the present difficulty in rendering. The educational lexicon comprises a variety of proper names. Translation of nationally bound proper names presents a difficulty for translation. Transcoding and loan translation are productive ways of their rendering; however, they need additional explanation. Analogues are less productive way for the translation of culturally bound proper names in the field of education. Emergence of new proper names is affected by international cooperation; such lexemes are rendered by means of loan translation and do not present issues. The findings from this study add to the existing literature regarding the peculiarities and tendencies in the translation of proper names, which belong to the educational lexicon. Determining such peculiar features is the first stage to improving standardization and unification of the English- Ukrainian equivalents of proper names in the terminological field of education. This study fills the theoretical gap in which the researchers identified the need for further standardization and unification of the proper names in the terminological field of education.
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