lexical-semantic field, lexical-semantic group, paradigm, holistic coverage of the lexical-semantic field.Abstract
In the presented article, the semantic strength of the paradigmatic connections of the lexical-semantic field with the meaning “gratitude” is determined based on the definitions of the lexicographic sources of the modern German language and corpus data. The obtained results are analyzed and presented in tables. In our opinion, a high degree of objectivity of the obtained results is provided by quantitative studies. This is also confirmed by numerous studies by linguists of Chernivtsi and Odesa National Universities, applied to describe a number of lexical-semantic groups. Determining the semantic strength of paradigmatic connections in the lexical-semantic group of nouns, adjectives, and verbs with the meaning of thanks will contribute to clarifying the data we obtained as a result of the previously conducted inventory of lexical and semantic group, and will also make it possible to describe the properties of the group’s components in more detail. The work is based on a proven proposition, according to which the components of the interpretation of a word in a dictionary article are not characterized by chaotic placement, but by a certain hierarchical subordination. The greatest weight, and therefore the strength of the connection, is characteristic of the word that is closest to the explained word (Levytskyi, 1989, p. 88) and has a higher frequency of use in the text corpus. Paradigm I.2 (669879; Dankbarkeit) as a formal marker of gratitude and paradigm I.3 (5116; Anerkennung) – recognition as an expression of gratitude showed the greatest importance based on textual data. Somewhat less relevant is the paradigm I.4 (2461; Geschenk) as a thank you thanks, and the components of I.1 (130; Dankgefühl) have a sufficiently low frequency of use to denote a feeling of gratitude. Components of adjectival and verbal paradigms add to the lexical-semantic field of gratitude, indicating gratitude in view of performance, economic benefit from the use of assets, gratitude as a dependence on another person, a sense of obligation due to gratitude for previously provided help.
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