


precedent phenomena, precedent artifacts, precedent names and titles, national precedent, universal precedent, Spain.


Progressed globalization in the world provokes increased interest of some nations to others, which, in turn, leads to inevitable dialogue of cultures. Language, as a mirror of the soul of a nation, is able to reflect national and cultural features and demonstrate the specifics of the national picture of the world of a particular ethnic group. Language is also a key means of forming images of some nations in the linguistic consciousness of others, which cannot be avoided during intercultural conflict. Science is successfully adapting to global challenges and development trends, creating the latest scientific directions, such as: linguoculturology, theory of communication, intercultural communication, linguoimagology, which relevance in modern linguistics is undeniable. The creation of the image of one country in the minds of a representative of another linguistic and cultural community is done through the perception and understanding of nationally marked elements of a language, which are able to capture, preserve and reflect the ethno-national features and markers of a country which make it unique in the dialogue of cultures. Such elements include precedent phenomena. Having a plan of content and a plan of expression, precedent phenomena are quite bright signs of any culture. The purpose of the article is to analyse the peculiarities of the usage of precedents of Spain in the novel by a notorious American writer Ernest Miller Hemingway and autobiographical novel by a famous Soviet Writer Myhailo Koltsov. The object of the research – fragments of the texts where the authors express their assessment and perception of Spanish precedent phenomena. The subject of the research is methods of expression of precedent phenomena in language consciousness of E. Hemingway and M. Koltsov during their stay in revolutionary Spain. The novels “For whom the bell tolls” by E. Hemingway and “Spanish diary” by M. Koltsov were chosen as the material of the research. The results of the research can be used in teaching intercultural communication, stylistics, lexicology, the history of the English language, linguoimagology in professional specialties.


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