



phoneme, morpheme, primary root morpheme, compatibility, regularities of compatibility.


The article analyzes the latest research on the problems of distribution of phonemes of modern Ukrainian literary language, in particular with the use of statistical and mathematical methods and modeling methods. On the material of the «Dictionary of Ukrainian morphemes» edited by L. Polyuga the composition of primary seven-component root morphemes of modern Ukrainian literary language and connecting possibilities of separate phonemes in primary triphonemic root morphemes are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the primary seven-component root morphemes from the use of statistical and mathematical methods and the method of modeling have not yet been considered. The aim of the work is to comprehensively analyze the compatibility of phonemes in primary seven-component root morphemes of modern Ukrainian literary language, in particular to investigate the structure of combinations in primary seven-component roots of modern Ukrainian literary language, to identify frequency of group use. functioning in the primary seven-component morphemes of the modern Ukrainian literary language. A study of the dictionary revealed 41 primary seven-component root morphemes, the first component of which are often closed-breakthrough (19) and slit phonemes (12). It was found that among the sevenphonemic roots of modern Ukrainian literary language the following distributive structures of phonemes are characteristic: “prelingual + vowel + prelingual + vowel + vowel + lip + vowel + preligual (5)”, “preligual + vowel + lip + vowel + prelingual + vowel + prelingua” (5), “hard + vowel + hard + vowel + hard + vowel + hard” (16), “har vowel + hard + vowel + hard + vowel + soft” (9), “call + vowel + call + vowel + call + vowel + call” (4), “deaf + call + vowel + deaf + deaf + vowel + call” (4), “deaf + vowel + call + vowel + deaf + vowel + call” (3), “deaf + vowel + call + vowel + call + vowel + call” (3), “call + vowel + deaf + vowel + call + vowel + call” (3).


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