


assistants, official names, variants of names, new official names, abbreviations.


The article is devoted to elucidating the specifics of the verbalisation of the concept BAHATSVO in proverbs and sayings based on Ivan Franko’s “Galician-Ruthenian folk tales” on the basis of the linguo-cognitive approach. Using the method of dictionary definitions, the author describes the semantic structure of the word-name of the concept BAHATSVO, which contains both uniform and polytypic definitions, representing different lexico-semantic variants of the word. The semantic structure of the noun “bahatstvo” (wealth) and its derivatives is analysed on the material of lexicographic sources covering the functioning of the Ukrainian language in the 11th - early 21st centuries. At the next stage, the author uses a frame analysis based on the theory of cognitive metaphor, according to which in the basis of metaphorisation, there is a process of interaction of two knowledge structures (frames and scenarios) of two conceptual domains – the source domain and the target domain. For each paroemic unit, a source domain and a target domain are established, and it allowed outlining the cognitive models of conceptual metaphorisation and conceptual metonymisation of the word-name of the concept, finding out the specifics of implementing the knowledge and ideas about reality with the help of corresponding cognitive model, parameterising the external outlines of the model and tracing the possibilities of internal structuring, determining the potential for the development of conceptual meanings of the researched concept name, following the principles of objectification of the collective consciousness associated with the concept BAHATSVO. In most paroemias, verbal activity is described through correlation with another frame, known and acceptable within the same cultural model, based on customs and traditions. However, there are some proverbs and sayings which postulate the frame itself, actually introducing it through paroemia.


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