dialect, generic name of food, lexical unit, nomination, thematic group, lexicalsemantic group, differential feature.Abstract
The article deals with the folk vocabulary collected by the author to denote the thematic group ‘generic names for food’, which belongs to the widely used layers of household vocabulary Pokuttya. The study represents dialects of the villages of Stetseva and Stetsivka, which belong to the Sniatyn united territorial community of Kolomyia district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukraine. Both villages are subordinated to the Stetseva village council. The source of intelligence was the colloquial speech of the natives of these dialects. The object of the study was folk dialect names for food. Within this thematic group, the semems of ‘food’ and ‘cooked food’ are identified, which certify generic names to denote “what they eat” and the interpretation of names is established in terms of semantics. The purpose of the article is to present, systematize and analyze a new repertoire of vocabulary of the Pokuttia region, related to cooking and given fragments of live communication of the inhabitants of the dialects. The research methodology involves the use of the following general scientific methods: systematic, systematization, descriptive and linguistic analysis. The scientific novelty of the work is reduced to the lexicographic study of the general lexicon of dialects and the scientific understanding of the studied segment of dialectal vocabulary in a particular region (dialect) of Ukraine. Here are partially presented the results of the study with the analysis of factual material, which is typical for the inhabitants of other Pokuttia dialects. Conclusions. The collected materials are the part of the cultural vocabulary, which implements information about the household culture of the penitents. The results of research can be used in lexicographic practice, in particular in compiling various types of dictionaries, including the Dictionary of Pokuttia dialects, as well as in educational work, in teaching courses and special courses of lexicology, Ukrainian dialectology and ethnolinguistics.
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