


linguoconceptology, concept, linguopersonology, language personality, linguometaphorology, metaphor, medialinguistics, mediatext.


The article presents an analytical review of the newest branches of modern linguistics (linguoconceptology, linguopersonology, linguometaphorology and medialinguistics), which gradually formed the theoretical and methodological basis and categorical-terminological apparatus, accumulates empirical material. However, many theoretical positions require repeated scientific understanding, generalization and systematization, and terminology – clarification and unification. Based on the analysis of the main publications in each of the indicated branches of linguistics, the current directions and problems of research are described, and an attempt is made to predict the dynamics of their development. In linguoconceptology, the debatable problems are the definition of the essence and features of the concept, its types and means of representation, methods of analysis and description, structuring of the concept and the conceptosphere; in linguopersonology – finding out the nature and types of language personality, its modeling, methods of analysis and description; in linguometaphorology – determining the nature of metaphor, establishing mechanisms of metaphorization, and types of metaphorical motivation, modeling metaphorization, clarifying the features of metaphorical conceptualization and representation; in medialinguistics – determination of the linguistic status of the language of the mass media and its functional and stylistic features, the specifics of the mediatext, its types and genres, the establishment of linguistic and media technologies of influence on the consciousness of the addressee. In linguoconceptology promising areas are descriptive and comparative study of individual and national conceptospheres, conceptographic practice, compilation of conceptual dictionaries; in linguopersonology – the study of idiolectal linguistic personalities, various ethnocultural or social types; in linguometaphorology – the study of metaphor and metaphorization in semantic, cognitive and linguocultural aspects on the material of scientific, political and artistic discourses, metaphorical lexicographic practice, compilation of metaphorical dictionaries; in medialinguistics – the study of speech behavior of media communication participants, analysis and description of various types and genres of mediatexts.


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