Lesya Romanchuk, genre, novel, novel cycle, melodrama, fantasy, cocktail novel.Abstract
The article considers the genre identity of Lesya Romanchuk’s prose. It is shown that the novel of the Ternopil writer is an original phenomenon of modern Ukrainian literature, insufficiently studied in the context of women’s writing. Thus, the need to deepen scientific ideas about the genre nature of women’s art on the example of novel text creation by Lesya Romanchuk is obvious. This is the relevance of our article. The purpose of this study is to investigate Lesya Romanchuk’s prose through the prism of genre dominance. Its achievement involves solving such specific tasks: to outline the creative individuality of Lesya Romanchuk; identify the genre features of melodrama in the novel of the writer; to comprehend the poetics of the postmodernist game in her novels; Analysis of the novel cycles “Do not leave…”, “Blooming thorns”, “City of dwarfs”, “Gravity”, novels “Knights of Love and Hope”; andshow the modernist thinking of the writer with elements of postmodernism. The process of diffusion of genre constructions: love, melodramatic, psychological, fantasy and other types of novel is understood. In particular, it determines the influence of modernist poetics in the melodramatic book series “Don’t Leave…”; the typological features of the fantasy novel are outlined using the example of the novel “City of Dwarfs”, which is characterized by intriguing events, mysticism, bizarre intertwining of the tragic past with partly farcical present; signs of postmodernist thinking of the writer were revealed in the cocktail novel “Gravity” (postmodernist techniques of intertextuality and game means, internal focalization, film editing, chronotope, poetics of dreams, etc.). The scientific novelty of the research is that in the article an attempt is made to generalize the genre features of Lesya Romanchuk’s novels, to find out the relationship between tradition and innovation in it. It is important that the analysis of the genre specifics of the author’s “female” writing, the structure of female images in the novels “Do not leave…”, “Blooming thorns”, “Dwarf City”, ‘Gravity” and others is carried out through constant and variable features of the writer’s artistic style and experimental nature.
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