



historical prose, anthropology, artistic-philosophical paradigm, humanism, Kyiv- Mohyla Academy, philosophy of antiquity


Philosophical understanding of reality is a specific feature of the historical prose of Ju. Mushketyk’s prose. The article reveals the main features and criteria of Ju. Mushketyk’s artistic and philosophical concept on the material of historical prose; it’s due to the strengthening of the philosophical basis of the depicted events in the author’s writings. The methodology of the research is conditioned by the interdisciplinary approach, which involves a combination of systemic-analytical, culturological, historical-genetic, historical-functional and dialectical methods. The center of the writer’s interest is a personality, therefore, the issues of the Socratic character (good and evil, life and death, freedom and responsibility, etc.) dominate in Ju. Mushketyk’s artistic and philosophical paradigm. The peculiarities of the artistic and philosophical paradigm of each author’s work are first analyzed in the article. They are based on the specifics of the universe of the reproduced historical periods and the characters’ world perception, which is grounded on the philosophy of antiquity, the period of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the philosophical beliefs of the Renaissance and Enlightenment scholars. The investigating of the specifics of philosophical and historical basis of Ju. Mushketyk’s historical prose showed that the writer carries out the artistic and philosophical comprehension of the historical themes. The image of the human existence and his worldview is realized through the prism of the comprehension of the problem of world and a man in it on the basis of humanism. In the works of the artist there is an expansion of the semantic field of historical events, history in them acts as a kind of catalyst, through which the key principles of ontology and epistemological process are understood, and they are based on the original artistic and philosophical concept of the author.


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