



communicative influence, type of communicative influence, kind of communicative influence, persuasion, suggestion, manipulation


The article is devoted to the problem of distinguishing types and kinds of communicative influence, based on the texts of journalistic film discourse. The origin and the current status of the scientific explanation of the communicative influence are considered and a number of vague discussion views are especially indicated. It is proposed to define it as the action of the addressee of communication with the simultaneous use of tools of linguistic and non-linguistic semiotic systems in order to change or fundamentalize the existing local and global rational and emotional programs of the addressee. As there is some disagreement in establishing the varieties of communicative influence, it is proposed to rely on the principle of C. Linneus’ biological systematics and to distinguish between types (persuasion, suggestion, manipulation) and subtypes (direct persuasion, hidden suggestion, verbal manipulation, etc.) of communicative influence in dependence from the breadth of the representation of its mechanism. The article details such types of communicative influence as verbal and nonverbal persuasion, verbal and nonverbal suggestion, verbal and nonverbal manipulation. It is noticed that verbal persuasion in the texts of journalistic film discourse is actualized with the help of numerals denoting the dates of historical events, various onyms, first of all anthroponyms and toponyms. Nonverbal persuasion is characteristic of documentary chronicles that illustrate the verbal series. Verbal suggestion is expressed by various words and tropes, correlated with the neurolinguistic processes of omission, generalization and distortion. Nonverbal suggestion takes place in frames, where the nonverbal behavior of their participants semantically coincides with the emotional load of the verbal series. For verbal manipulation, evaluation tokens are most often used in journalistic film discourse. The scenes with the characters whose nonverbal behavior does not coincide with verbal comments are used for nonverbal manipulation.


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