


discourse, educational discourse, teachers’ discourse


The relevance of the topic, namely the distinction between teachers’ (educational) and educational discourse, is the popularization of educational programs and education, which led to the development of new educational traditions. The purpose of the article is to outline the boundaries of a new discourse, educational. The object of research – different levels of functioning of the Ukrainian language, and the subject – a clear outline of theoretical and practical principles of synthesis of classical approaches in educational discourse with modern developments in neurolinguistics, suggestology, neurolinguistic programming and modern hardware (phone, computer) and network Internet in the learning process. In contrast to the scientific discourse within the linguo-personal orientation of our study is defined as a special type of institutional communication, socio-cultural and cognitive-communicative phenomenon, which focuses on the discursive activities of the scientific community, ensuring the implementation of their intentions for intellectual and emotional influence on the addressee / addressees. There are such features of teachers’ (educational) discourse in comparison with scientific as status unqualified participants (in scientific discourse - status qualified participants), non-localized chronotope (in scientific discourse – clearly localized chronotope), defined within a certain social institution goal (joint with scientific) ritually fixed values (these values differ significantly from scientific discourse), intentionally fixed strategies (these strategies differ from classical scientific discourse and dictated by the format of new educational platforms), unlimited range of genres (under the influence of modern educational platforms new genres or forms are formed). due to the arsenal of precedent phenomena (this arsenal is significantly different from the classical ones).


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