



lexical interference, standardization, international term, transliteration, transposition, linguistic picture of world, borrowing, internationalisms, metaphorization, communicative obstacles, transphonation


The article examines one of the most pressing and complex problems of Ukrainian linguistics of the XXI century – the formation of economic terminology on a national basis. The terminological vocabulary is an indicator of the level of development of scientific language in society and, therefore, of science in general. Terminological vocabulary is the kind of barometer that determines the level of vocational education, as rich and extensive terminology is one of the important indicators of the level of vocational education in the country. Standardization of economic terminology, defining its role in the formation of linguistic and professional competence of specialists in any field of knowledge is the main problem today. The purpose of this article is to try to find out the types of lexical interference, to explore the common features that define the essence of any term; to analyze terms with complete structural coincidence and terms with partial replacement of components, designed by word-forming means of the recipient language; make terms-standards, terms-samples, normalize the terminology; identify linguistic and linguistic reasons for borrowing. The dialectical method is used, empirical, empirical-theoretical and theoretical methods. The article analyzes the history of Ukrainian economic terminology since the times of Kievan Rus, explains general and specific features of terminological nomination of economic concepts, investigates the problem of mastering and transmitting foreign language elements, identifies types of lexical interference, gives common features that define the essence of any terminology units of special, limited functioning; terms with complete structural coincidence and terms with partial replacement of components, designed by word-forming means of the recipient language are analyzed; Linguistic and linguistic reasons for borrowing have been identified. The general and specific features of terminological nomination of economic concepts have been found out, which will facilitate the unification, standardization and codification of this terminology; the problem of assimilation and transfer of foreign language elements is investigated. Conclusion. Standardization of terminological systems at national and international levels is necessary and relevant, since it aims at the choice of the terminological standard and its approval as a mandatory option. It is emphasized that an important aspect of the classification of terminological units of the economic sphere is their word-forming features.


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