


Verb, weather, semantics, language peculiarities, idioms


The purpose of this article is to highlight the peculiarities of the use of verbs, adjectives and idioms in the context of weather in English. Knowledge of such features is an important component of intercultural communication, as their understanding avoids misunderstandings, the use of constructions in the wrong context or the accidental use of words that indicate the opposite emotional colour to what was meant. The following scientific methods were used in this work: Analysis and synthesis; Deductive method; Comparative method; Lexicographic method. The scientific novelty and relevance of this article is to reduce the boundaries of intercultural communication, in particular on the topic of weather. The verb is the main part of speech. In the context of weather, it plays a key role. In fact, no language is complete without it when it comes to weather conditions. The verb indicates the state of the weather. Understanding the connotation of a verb, the appropriateness of its use, the peculiarities of its use with a particular part of a language erases intercultural barriers to this issue. English needs a subject when it comes to weather, while Ukrainian can do without a subject, although this is not required. By the deductive method, it can be established that in general the languages of the Slavic group can use two variants: a verb with the use of a subject, or a verb without the use of a subject. Various nouns and adjectives to express the weather were also considered. In addition, some idioms have been listed that also relate to weather and conversations about it. As a result, the main features of the use of the verb to denote the weather in English and Ukrainian were revealed. This helped to compare these languages and identify similarities and differences between them.


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