


alphabet sign, initial, symbol, concept, letter, French language


The article presents an attempt to establish the implicit meanings of single letters of the French alphabetic system of writing, to reveal the basis for the disclosure of the principles of the universe. Thus, in this research the alphabet sign acquires the properties of the symbol. The aim of the study is to establish the symbolic connotations of single alphabet signs of the French language, to present the main symbols and concepts that make up the figurative system of initials of the French picture of the world, to determine the semantic relationship between the letter of the French alphabet and number, to reveal the philosophical and symbolic aspect. The object of the study are the alphabet signs of the French written language, the subject – the symbolic, metaphorical, ideographic features of the letters of modern French writing. Establishing the symbolic meaning of the initial letters of the French alphabet is based on a constructive method that allowed to determine the elementary components of alphabet signs, as well as to identify links between them, structural – to establish the conceptual structure of orthography by studying the lexical-semantic field of initial letters, semanticcognitive – for identification and description of relevant concepts embedded in the alphabet sign, as well as graphonomic analysis used to determine the place and role of each letter in the linear system of the alphabet. The scientific novelty is that for the first time a figurative system of initials of the French alphabet containing biblical symbols, symbols of nature, archetypal symbols, symbols of feelings, etc. was established, the characteristics of letters as geometric forms concept. The article proves that the alphabet sign is a certain visual image that reveals philosophical concepts and notions, French orthography is a symbolic system that determines the universalization and codification of the message, knowledge of a code to reveal it and activate cognitive mechanisms.


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