


correspondence, writer’s epistolary, addressee, domestic epistolary tradition, epistle


The purpose of the article is to study the main stages and leading trends in historical development of writer's epistolary in Ukrainian literature. The theoretical and methodological basis of research is a historical and literary, a historical and cultural, as well as a method of typological generalization. The object of research is an attempt to periodize the basic historical stages and characteristics of the domestic epistolary traditions in literature from the beginning of Kievan Rus and to the XX century. The subject of research is thematic priorities and poetic methods of artistic organization of the Ukrainian writer's epistolary discourse, its literary varieties, its thematic diversity and genre range of writer’s correspondence, their connection with all-European epistolary-writer’s literary traditions. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is in the fact that the the main stages of historical evolution of Ukrainian writer’s epistolary, its national specific character and the main artistic regularities of its artistic discourse were characterized in this research. As a result of the study it was found that: 1. The experience of the epistolary information exchange by writers comes from the time of Kievan Rus and continues the traditions of ancient Greek and Byzantine writer's correspondence. 2. Ukrainian writers of the XVI–XVII centuries including L. Baranovych, H. Smotrytskyi, P. Mohyla, K. Sakovych, etc. actively used the epistolary forms in introductions and concluding remarks to their books. 3. The artistic evolution of writer's epistolary in the history of new Ukrainian literature can be divided into three chronological stages. The first of them coincides with the time of origin of poetics of sentimentalism and romanticism. The second stage is marked by general innovative tendencies of T. Shevchenko works. The third stage was initiated with epistolary-writer’s activity of Ukrainian artists of the second half of the ХІХ–ХХ centuries. 4. The elements of the epistolary form are actively implemented by Ukrainian writers in to the structure of their own artistic, in particular, prose and poetry works.


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