


poetics, narrative strategy, interdisciplinary narratology, linguistic noratology, cognitive narratology, artistic discourse


The article presents an in-depth theoretical outline of the narratology development as a science, from ancient poetics to poststructural (postmodern) forms and tendencies that focus on narratives in general and artistic discourse in specific. The historical sequence of origin, formation and development of science has been studied by the problem-chronological method. Descriptive and historical as well as comparative approaches made it possible to analyze the ideas of domestic and foreign scientists, which allowed to highlight two main definitions of the scientific term: traditionally, in a narrow sense, narratology is a science of storytelling; while in a broader sense, it is also the study of narrative as one of the crucial ways of framing, transmitting, and preserving human experience. The chronology of science formation is established and three chronological stages of science development are presented: antiquity, classical period and post-classical or non-classical. The latter is characterized by the presence of many different variants (linguistic narratology, cognitive narratology, theory of possible worlds, thematic narratology, philosophical narrative theories, transgenre theories). Its interdisciplinary status is outlined through philosophical, literary and linguistic aspects. The concept of narrative strategy as a special individual complex of tactics and techniques used be the author in order to influence the potential reader and force him to «live» the story with together, i.e to interpret artistic reality and get some pleasure (according to Bart's interpretation); as well as one of the main terms used by scientists in their search for linguistic analysis of literary artworks. The main chronological stages, characteristics and representatives of each period are systematized and presented idiographically.


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