



lexem, term, term-concept, religious, nomen, term vocabulary


The article describes the composition and formation of religious term vocabulary contained in modern lexicographical works; its grammatical and onomasiological features, organization at the level of paradigm. An attempt is made to explain on the basis of dictionaries of religious vocabulary the nature of the term, which is complex and in many respects not similar to the nature of the commonly used word. The most notable feature of religious vocabulary has been found to be the predominance of a large number of labeled words. Derivative and non-derivative tokens recorded in dictionaries are distinguished. The grammatical characteristic of the sacred terminology, which is represented by different structure models, is made. It was found that the most common of such models are one-component, two-component and three-component terms. Among the two-component terms-phrases, the adjective + noun, verb + noun, noun + noun, noun + adjective prevail in their frequency of construction. The following compatibility is characteristic of three-component terms: noun + noun + adjective, noun + adjective + noun, noun + noun + noun, adjective + noun + noun. Particular attention is paid to the semantic analysis of terms through comparison and identification of definitions. Analyzing the synonymy of phrases, we saw that the structure of such synonymous terms is dominated by two-component phrases. The hyponymic paradigm of the analyzed terminology system is also studied. In general, we have found that religious vocabulary obeys the laws of both terminology and language in general, so church-religious terminology combines and opposes stability as a property of any sign system and synonymy, which is inherent in the vocabulary of general literary language. The vocabulary of religious terminology contains marked elements, it is diverse in origin, its components are actively entering into synonymous and antonymous relations. We consider the study of church terms on the phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic levels to be promising.


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