


sublanguage, pump engineering, term, abbreviation, acronym


This article focuses on the problem of abbreviation in modern English terminology within the special subsystem of terms – pump engineering. The presence of abbreviation in terminology is obvious. This problem is also relevant for the pump engineering sublanguage. This industry has undergone rapid development at the present stage and needs unification and improvement of its terminology. One of the productive ways to create the terms of pump construction is the abbreviation. Today there is a need to identify the features of this phenomenon, to clarify the reasons for the shortening of terms. The purpose of work is to study the specifics of the abbreviation process and to identify the main models of shortened terms. The methodology of the research is complex in accordance with the purpose of work. We used the following methods: the descriptive method – to describe the lexical units of pump engineering terminological subsystem; the structural method – to identify word-formation models; the method of component analysis – to describe the meanings of term units of the subsystem; quantitative analysis – to identify trends in the use of term units. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that modern English pump engineering terminology is analyzed for the first time;the methods of creating abbreviated terms are identified, the word-forming models are revealed. Conclusions. The analysis of methods of term formation of the pump engineering sublanguage shows that the lexical units formed by abbreviation are 12% in the specified terminological system. This method takes the fourth place among the productive ways of word formation of the specified sublanguage (after affixation, word formation and conversion). The methods of abbreviations in the field of pump engineering include initial abbreviation, abbreviation given in the form of combination of initial abbreviation with full word, abbreviation in the form of truncation, intraword abbreviation of one-word terms, abbreviation based on elimination, abbreviation realized in the form of acronyms, abbreviation based on telescoping.


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