



advertising slogan, pragmatic potential, stylistic means, translation


English-language advertising discourse is a complex communicative phenomenon that is realized in a certain media space by the most effective means that combine socio-cultural and psycholinguistic aspects. The study found that the translation of advertising texts, slogans in particular, has a number of peculiarities, as the translator should take into account the features of the source and target languages, as well as find a way to effectively convey the content of the original message. Thus, the article characterizes the ways of preserving the pragmatic potential in the translation of English-language advertising slogans into Ukrainian. It is established that the advertising slogan combines psychological, psycholinguistic and sociocultural components in its structure. The peculiarities of translation of advertising slogans of English-language advertising discourse, the structure of which is expressed by stylistic means at the lexical, syntactic and phonetic levels, are analyzed. The most typical stylistic means of expression at the lexical level are metaphor, epithet, hyperbole, personification, pun, comparison and metonymy. At the syntactic level, antithesis, rhetorical question, repetition, parallelism and inversion are distinguished. The phonetic level is characterized by the use of rhyme, alliteration and assonance. It is found that the most typical ways of translating advertising texts are lack of translation, literal translation, adaptation and revision. The study notes that transcreation is also used by translators to accurately interpret a wide range of sociocultural characteristics of the target audience. Emphasizing the complex nature of Englishlanguage advertising discourse, a number of recommendations have been developed for translating advertising slogans into Ukrainian.


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