


viability, activity and adaptability of systems, philosophical triad, resource, potential, vitality


The article has an attempt to describe viability vs. resilience concept as manifestation form of activity and adaptability of systems in context of psycholinguistic triad “resource – potential – vitality”. First, the definition of “viability” has been given: “the ability to retain important personality traits for a long time, but in the short term – less important, but more relevant here and now; combination of system stability and its adaptability, self-identity and conformity, usefulness, suitability, optimality and suboptimality” (according to E. Rylska). Second, the philosophical triad “resource – potential – vitality” has been characterized: a) resource(s) include everything that can be used by a person for effective existence and maintaining the quality of life; b) potential is the means that are available, as well as the means that can be mobilized, used to achieve a certain goal, to solve a problem; c) the vitality category is associated with flexibility, resilience, the ability to take any necessary form. Third, the key properties of viability have been fixed: a) resilience to life is the structure of attitudes and strategies that facilitate the process of transforming stressful circumstances from potentially destructive to growth opportunities (S. Maddi); b) resilience as the ability to recover from stressful situations, the ability to regenerate, to post-traumatic growth; c) sense of coherence (A. Antonovsky) is “a person’s ability to coherently, cognitively and emotionally, perceive what is happening as controlled by him” (T. Ivanova); d) optimism as a positive personality trait associated with success, joy, well-being and satisfaction; e) self-efficacy is a cognitive assessment of one’s own ability to perform effectively and cope with difficult situations (A. Bandura); f) tolerance to uncertainty is a neutral or positive attitude of a subject to uncertain situations (unfamiliar, complex, changeable, ambiguous; g) control of one’s behaviour is considered a personal characteristic that predicts the success of an activity and well-being, including in the long term.


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