



literature, cinema, recoding, Franz Kafka, Alex Balabanov, Michael Haneke


The article is focused on the description of the film adaptation specifics of the F. Kafka’s novel “Castle” literary space. It considers how fully the meaning of a literary work can be transferred and why an intermediate translation does not mean a literal reproduction of the text of the original source. The path from the author’s idea to its embodiment in literary texts and films is traced, the changes that occur during the recoding of a literary work by means of another art form are identified and compared. It has been found that the author of the film enters into a dialogue with the author of the original literary work, and the film itself enters into a dialogue with this literary this literary source. The achievements of receptive poetics focused on the reader’s/viewer’s perception of the text are taken into account. The interaction of “languages” of different types of art (literature and cinema) is proved, the means and techniques of artistic expression of literary works and their cinematic interpretations are determined (methods of spatial organization of Kafka’s novel: subjectivity, fragmentation, hierarchy in cinema space). It has been discovered that the features of space in Kafka’s texts are subjectivity, fragmentation, hierarchy, which can be conveyed in the language of cinema. Thus, we can see how the space depicted in a literary work is transmitted in film adaptations – that is, in acts of transmedia translation from the verbal form of the media to the visual. Directors А. Balabanov and M. Haneke do not convey everything that is depicted in Kafka, perfectly on the screen (especially since this is impossible), but select the most significant elements of the literary text, and sometimes come up with their own. In terms of literality, it is a departure from the text and its distortion. However, from a semiotic point of view, such digressions are justified: in this way, the directors fully convey the essence of the novel, its deep meanings, and depict the space not as it is literally described, but as it must be to be Kafka’ s space.


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