


character’s speech, film archetype, Female Messiah archetype, Mentor archetype, film dialogue, J. Cameron, “Avatar”


The article focuses on the formation of the psycholinguistic image of film characters according to the psychological archetype the Female Messiah. The work contributes to the creation of the holistic system of psycholinguistic images represented by characters from the English-language films of mass culture released in the XXI century. The indicated determines the relevance and novelty of the research. This particular work is based on the fantasy film Avatar (2009) by J. Cameron. Methods of the research are the following: descriptive, method of continuous sampling, method of contextual and statistical analysis. The classification of V. Schmidt (2007) is taken as the basis for definition of the fundamental psychological features of characters. Grace Augustine embodies the Female Messiah archetype in the studied film; for her the defining features are as follows: 1) the Female Messiah is the way to love and enlightenment; it is further enhanced by the Mentor archetype, whose main function is teaching the hero. Her speech is characterized by the frequent use of appellatives to denote Jake Sally, explicit and implicit directives, the vocabulary of positive evaluation. 2) She has a strong spiritual belief system, and her life seems to be for one purpose only and that purpose affects the lives of thousands of people. It is conveyed with the confrontational communicative style in dialogs with the antagonists Parker Selfridge and Miles Quaritch. 3) Her messages can be both feminine (about love and compassion) and masculine (about salvation, fight and expulsion of invaders). It is expressed respectively by cooperative and confrontational communication styles; nouns with positive and negative evaluative meaning, informal and rude vocabulary. 4) She lives in harmony with nature, and every living thing is a manifestation of the Divine to her. It is expressed through positive evaluative vocabulary. 5) She cares more about others than about herself, and she only suffers if her family is persecuted because of her actions. It is conveyed by the frequent use of the second person pronoun ‘you’, the first person plural ‘we’, and the appellatives to denote the team of scientists, whom she takes for her family.


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