


concept, literary concept, artistic concept, conceptosphere


The article analyzes the etymology of the term “concept”. The universality and interdisciplinary nature of the definition lies in the fact that the term is operated by philosophy, linguistics, culture studies, psychology, literature studies. This generates a certain complexity of understanding the term. Therefore, there is an urgent need to specify the concept of the concept, the literary concept. The article summarizes modern approaches to the interpretation of this concept, an attempt is made to determine the differential features of the terms related to the concept (concept, image, symbol, motive, archetype, stereotype, artistic definition). Thus the terms “concept” and “concept” are identified. However, such a view of these lexemes seems outdated to us. A number of scientists tend to believe that the artistic concept and the artistic image are in close connection with each other. However, we adhere to the opinion that the concept acts as a hyperonym in relation to the image, so it is a broader concept than the image. In turn, the concept of “archetype” is much broader than “concept”, and therefore its reconstruction is impossible within one or more texts. Artistic concept is considered as a unit of the conceptosphere of the writer; individual-author's comprehension of the essence of objects and phenomena. Understanding of concepts is quite variable, however, having analyzed various interpretations of the term, we can deduce a certain generalized definition of this definition: a unit of knowledge and thinking explanation of the world, reflects the cultural specificity of a certain ethnic community, which, receiving verbal expression in a literary text, acquires the status of artistic. It is proved that the artistic concept is individual, psychologically complex, gravitates to the potential images, aimed at them; a complex of feelings, desires, the irrational; the symbol contains an internal organic connection with its meaning.


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