


artistic communication, Oles Honchar, uncommon sentences of verb structure


The proposed article is devoted to elucidating the specifics of the idiosyncrasy of the famous Ukrainian writer Oles Honchar, namely the clear identification of uncommon verb-type sentences without obligatory predicate components as a syntactic dominant of Oles Honchar’s prose. Analysis of uncommon verb-type sentences without the obligatory predicate components showed that their semantics is a complex of semantic components of different nature. In the semantic-syntactic aspect, the considered units have certain differential features, which are caused primarily by the peculiarities of absolute predicate verbs, which are characterized by self-sufficient semantic content. The following groups of uncommon constructions are observed according to the position in the text: uncommon sentences at the beginning of a paragraph or logical block of the text, article; uncommon sentences in the middle of the logical block; uncommon sentences at the end of the logical block; uncommon sentences simultaneously in several places of the logical block. It is found out: Oles Honchar prefers uncommon sentences of verb structure at the beginning of paragraphs, which is caused by their semantic features, namely: they are able to express a predicative feature in general, to diversify it in the field of human activity or changes in the world. It is investigated that the structural configuration of uncommon constructions in Oles Honchar’s works is as follows: uncommon sentence, used independently; uncommon structure as part of a compound sentence; uncommon construction as a function of the main part of a complex sentence; uncommon construction as an element of a conjunctionless sentence. Oles Honchar often uses uncommon sentences, which are part of complex unconnected sentences. Almost at the same level in terms of the frequency of functioning in the studied novels of O. Honchar are uncommon sentences, which are contracted parts of complex sentences. The research material allowed us to distinguish the following functions of uncommon sentences in the text: introductory (expositional), culminating, final, generalizing, connecting. The philosophical direction of Oles Honchar’s work is determined, among other things, by the fact that uncommon sentences in texts created by the writer are often loaded with final and generalizing functions. It is concluded that due to the lexical meaning of the components the uncommon sentence acquires its own meaning, which is stored out of context. The semantic palette of uncommon sentences in Oles Honchar’s novels is multifaceted and multifaceted. Uncommon constructions with different meanings help the writer to highlight the subtle nuances of his works. Uncommon verb-type sentences without obligatory predicate components are the syntactic dominant of Oles Honchar’s prose speech.


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