


gender neutral language, parity, society, inclusive writing, French, Ukrainian, translation problems


The permanent transformation of modern society is reflected, first of all, in its language. In particular, the attraction to gender parity leads to the need for comprehensive consideration of the self-identification of each individual in the communication process. The article considers the current state of social change in society, as a prerequisite for the development of gender translation studies, on the material of French and Ukrainian languages. The number of achievements in the field of gender linguistics, devoted to various aspects of the translation of other language pairs is a sign of the importance of this area. A comparative study proves that the culture of using gender-correct terms in Ukraine is quite low, compared to other countries, in particular, France. It should be noted that this is not only about the feminization of modern language, but also about its gender neutralization, given the non-binary personalities. The lack of means in the arsenal of language, adapted to the new gender picture of the world, undoubtedly leads to certain problems in intralingual communication and transmission in another language. The main difference in this case is in the opposite directions of development of French and Ukrainian languages: if the former tends to neutralize the names of professions, emphasizing inclusive writing, the second, on the contrary, to create gender-binary words. The French and Ukrainian languages have a different grammatical structure and, in particular, differ in means of expression of grammatical gender. The Ukrainian language belongs to those who have a system of conjugation, where grammatical gender is indicated in verbs, in contrast to French. Identical to the studied languages is the attempt to avoid gender-marked pronouns, replacing them with neutral (French) and other terms, without reference to biological sex (Ukrainian). At the moment, there are no comprehensive studies that study the features of translation transformations in the language pair: French / Ukrainian, with the transfer of units of gender-neutral language, which allows us to talk about the relevance of this work.


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