


Linguistic picture of the world, lexical-thematic group, names of first courses, lexical meanings, lexicographic sources, archaisms


The latest research and publications on this topic are analyzed in the article. In particular, it is determined that the lexical-semantic group “Names of food” was recorded and described in detail in Ukrainian dialects. The names of food products were also studied on the material of Ukrainian memos of the XIV-XVII centuries. The scientific novelty of the study is that the names of courses in the literary works of Ukrainian writers have not yet been the subject of research. The purpose of the article is to explore the names of the first courses in the Ukrainian language based on literary works of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The texts of the following authors are involved in the analysis: I. Kotlyarevsky, S. Gulak-Artemovsky, M. Gogol, G. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, T. Shevchenko, L. Glibov, I. Nechuy-Levytsky, M. Starytsky, I. Karpenko-Kary, M. Kotsyubynsky, M. Kropyvnytsky, O. Kobylyanska. Seven names of the first courses such as borsch, dumplings, soup, kulish, shcherba, kvasok, prosilne are revealed in the analyzed texts. Quantitative analysis of the frequency of their use by the authors is done in the article. The most commonly used were: borsch (11 authors), soup (8 authors), dumplings (7 authors); somewhat less often kulish (6 writers), shcherba (2), kvasok, prosilne recorded 1 time. The last three names are not active in the speech of modern Ukrainians. Therefore, they can be considered archaisms. It is drawn a parallel between the lexical meanings of the names of dishes in the modern Ukrainian language and those recorded in the lexicographic sources of the XIX century. Their original spelling is preserved in the text of the articles. The diminutive forms of lexical items are indicated, none of the augmentative ones are recorded either in the analyzed texts or in dictionaries. The recipes for cooking dishes found in the texts are also analyzed. It turned out that the writers of the analyzed period never used such names for the first courses: broth, soup, ukha, kharcho, shurpa, shchi. This suggests that these lexemes were borrowed by the Ukrainian language from others in the twentieth century.


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