



polycode text, concept, coronavirus, poster, conditional zero heterogeneity, nonzero sufficient and excessive heterogeneity


The article examines the polycode texts of posters with the concept of “coronavirus”. The author emphasizes that the reality of the epidemic turned out to be so shocking for the society that the Ukrainian language reacted immediately to this process, creating a significant array of innovations. The spread of coronavirus required logical communication to influence Ukrainians’ emotional, behavioural and psychological state, providing them with information about the disease, culture of social contacts. Information posters made this moment possible. The relevance of this work is determined by the prospect of various aspects of the concept of “coronavirus”, particularly semiotic systems of polycode texts about COVID-19. The purpose of the article is to explore polycode texts of posters with the concept of “coronavirus”. It is determined that the texts are written, static, explicitly expressed (available verbal and visual components) formation. According to the degree of heterogeneity, two groups were recognized. Conditional zero heterogeneity (verbal component accompanied by an iconic image). Non-zero heterogeneity has two subspecies: sufficient (verbal component and images are consistent in content); excessive (verbal language component exceeds the pictorial). It is explained that each group of polycode texts conditioned its comprehension through the prism of language representatives, which are realized at certain language levels. It is concluded that the concept of “coronavirus” in the studied texts is actualized by the concepts of “life”, “health”, “safety”, which in the structures with non-zero heterogeneity are attached to the concepts of “medicine”, “disease”, “human”, “age”. Prospects for research – in-depth analysis of signs of different language levels in polycode texts with the concept of “coronavirus”.


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