
  • Magda KABIRI V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University



translation, identity, self-presentation, utterance-selfpresenteme, function, rendering, adaptation


Our research is focused on the notion of “identity”, which is regarded within the scope of translation studies. The term “identity” has many interpretations in non-linguistic investigations, where it is defined as a phenomenon of clear awareness of the speaker of their belonging to a certain social and/or individual status within the social roles. Our paper aims to prove on the basis of theoretical and illustrative material selected the status of self-presentation strategy as a means of identity manifestation on translation and also regards the identity realization by the means of self-presentation as a strategy of English discourse Methods of the research included the following: method of continuous sampling, method of electronic database processing, method of comparative translational analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is that this paper is the first to regard the self-presentation strategy from the translation studies perspectives and to interpret it as a means of identity implementation in translation. Self-presentation strategy realization counts on involving a range of local and global strategies and tactics and is implemented in the discourse through self-presentemes – utterances, the use of which aims at identifying the speaker, providing their individual information, namely their personal, individual and situational characteristics or evaluation of these characteristics. We regard implementation of self-presentation strategy via translating self-presentemes an important component of translating identity. The course of our research justified that here the function of translation lies in preserving the cognitive basis and final aims of transferring self-presentemes in the target text, and this function might be realized by only two means – rendering or adaptation. The illustrative fragments, given in our paper verified that in translating utterances-self-presentemes rendering might be successfully applied in the case of linguocultural similarity of the source and target languages and cultures. Adaptation, in its turn, is implied in translating utterances-self-presentemes which have specific features, peculiar for the source linguoculture, which, correspondingly, results in the necessity of certain substantial and structural transformations.


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