speech competence, professional context, Ukrainian language, professional communication, terminology.Abstract
Summary. Speech competence in a professional context is one of the key aspects of a specialist's successful activity, which determines the effectiveness of communication, the ability for constructive dialogue and cooperation, and also contributes to the achievement of professional goals. In modern conditions, when the Ukrainian language is used more and more in official and business communication, the question of its functioning in the professional sphere becomes especially relevant. The study of speech competence in the Ukrainian professional context involves the analysis of specific linguistic and communicative features that characterize professional communication. This includes the study of the terminological apparatus, syntactic constructions, stylistic devices, as well as the normative use of language units in various professional discourses. An important place is occupied by consideration of issues of compliance with the norms of literary language and ethical principles of speech behavior, which is an integral component of the professional image of a specialist. The Ukrainian language in the professional context has a number of features determined by both historical factors and modern sociolinguistic processes. The restoration and development of the Ukrainian language after a long period of Russification requires specialists to pay more attention to speech norms, the ability to adapt and introduce new terms and concepts, as well as to observe the rules of speech etiquette. Thus, speaking competence in the professional context of the Ukrainian language is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that requires systematic study and development. This will contribute not only to the improvement of the general linguistic culture, but also to the successful integration of the Ukrainian language into various professional spheres, ensuring its competitiveness and prestige in the modern labor market.
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