


Historicism, lexical-semantic group, lexeme, archaism, term.


Summary. Our research is connected, on the one hand, with the analysis of lexical-semantic groups of historicisms and their stylistic features in Valentyn Chemeris's novel "The Fortress on Borysfen", and on the other hand, with the understanding of the new emotional or new functional and stylistic coloring that they acquire in a certain time slice. This gives us the opportunity to conclude that their use in the language is determined not only by semantics, but also by stylistic paradigmatics. Lexicological research in recent years is characterized by an increased interest in the problems of language development, in the mechanism of improving the means of lexical nomination, and the manifestation of trends in the development of words and the lexical fund in general. The work with the actual material showed that the historical vocabulary will not be removed from the use of the Ukrainian language because it is impossible to create a historical work of art without this vocabulary. Without historicisms and archaisms, it is impossible to convey to the reader the flavor of the era the writer is writing about. The purpose of our study is to study the stylistic features of the lexical-semantic groups of historical vocabulary in the novel "Fortress on Borysfen" by Valentyn Chemeris, as a means of reflecting the everyday life, customs, and military activities of the Cossacks. The main methods of linguistic research: theoretical analysis; comparative-historical method; descriptive method; system analysis (selection of factual material and its grouping). The scientific novelty of the study consists in conducting an independent comprehensive analysis of the historical vocabulary in the novel "Fortress on Borysfen" by Valentin Chemerys from the point of view of its semantic-functional and stylistic-functional features. It should be noted that the main function of historical vocabulary is mostly the function of nomination of former historical realities. It will be about clarifying the correlation of historicisms with words of one or different stylistic level. To make the meaning of historical words clear, let's give the context in which they are used. In our article, we found out that in Valentyn Chemeris's novel "Fortress on Borysfen" historicisms, which belong to the Cossack vocabulary, prevail. A smaller amount of obsolete vocabulary consists of words related to household management, housing, or the work of village residents.


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