moral constants, language personality of students, Russian-Ukrainian war.Abstract
Summary. After the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the paradigm of thinking of all Ukrainians and those who condemn it in the world has changed. Studentship did not stand aside. The article deals with the role of the spiritual development of the individual, and analyzes the various views of scientists regarding this. It also describes the moral levers that are important for modern students. Svitlana Romanchuk used her teaching experience at the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute as the factual material. First of all, the author revealed the concept of "linguistic personality", under which she proposes to understand a native speaker who has a good command of the system of linguistic knowledge, reproduces speech activity, has skills in active work with words, cares for language and promotes its development. It has been determined that a linguistic personality includes a speaker who ensures the expansion of language functions, the creation of a Ukrainian-speaking environment in all spheres of social life, shows a natural desire to return to the native language in everyday communication, to the revival of the culture and traditions of the people, to the development of examples of highly cultural communication in the literary language. The peculiarities of the formation of linguistic identity in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war are analyzed. It is also emphasized that each language personality should develop spiritually. Therefore, the author focused on the fact that spiritual development is a "manifestation of the Divine Spirit in a person", so students began to actively engage in volunteer activities in Ukraine. Donations for the purchase of cars, ammunition, thermal imagers, etc. for our defenders were allocated as the second moral constant of the students in the work. The third important moral factor is altruism, the fourth is the participation of emigrant students in various charitable foundations of the countries where they moved. It was emphasized that in the conditions of the war, students began to improve their knowledge of the state language, but the mass media, on the other hand, represent a low level of speech culture, using profanity in their programs and telegram channels. Meditation is characterized as a method for moral self-improvement and restoration of strength. The role of the family, where these students are brought up, is also emphasized. Another important moral factor is the improvement of communication skills as a result of active moral and social activity. The conclusions emphasize various vectors of moral constants of modern students and propose to further determine the spectrum of moral assistance of students to the military after the end of the war.
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