


idiostyle, floral images, plant images, expressionism, impressionism, symbolism.


Summary. The article deals with the peculiarities of Dariia Vikonska's individual style in terms of its implementation through floral images on the material of the writer's flower etudes. The emphasis is placed on the intermedial nature of the texts, which emphasises the artist's creative style. The works are analysed from the point of view of stylistic colouring, taking into account the nature of the depiction of plant images, and are outlined as indicators of Dariia Vikonska's idiostyle. The attention is focused on the features of expressing the author's style by combining the characteristics of symbolism, impressionism and expressionism. The scientific novelty of the study is caused by the necessity and importance of expanding the range of studies of the writer's artistic work in terms of idiostyle. The purpose is to clarify and outline the stylistic dominants of Daria Vikonska's work through the prism of floral images. The modern methodological framework made it possible to conduct a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the author's texts. In the course of the study, the systematic method, elements of cultural and historical, intermedial, formal and receptive aesthetics methods were applied. «Philocactus» and «White Irises» represents the signs of impressionism in the style of Dariia Vikonska, «Prisoners», and especially «Begonia rex», demonstrate the combination of impressionist and expressionist in one work. As a result, it has been found that the synthesis of the characteristic features of modern art, the use of intermedial (visual, sound, tactile) elements determine the specificity of the genre, style and figurative nature of Dariia Vikonska's works. Plants appear as carriers of a deep philosophy, based on the unity of man with nature, the sacrality of the creative process, the aesthetics of contemplation and perception of the world, and a special emotional content as an incentive to create. Floral images and ways of depicting them are indicators of the writer's idiostyle, which is dominated by expressionism, although the features of impressionism and symbolism are also presented at different stages of Dariia Vikonska's work, which only enriches their artistic value.


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