Canadian literature, Romanticism, “Confederation Poets”, lyrical hero, concept, image, motif.Abstract
Summary. The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the artistic picture of the world in the works of the “Confederation Poets”, as well as their contribution to the development of Canadian Romanticism. It is established that the activities of the “Confederation Poets” contributed to the formation of romanticism in Canada and the development of its aesthetic principles, among which the most important were the proclamation of interest in nature, the real life of ordinary people, the priority of creative imagination, and the reflection of specific features of Canadian reality. In their poetry, Ch. Roberts, B. Carman, A. Lampman, D.C. Scott, and W. Campbell organically combined folk and literary traditions, folklore structures (themes, images, motifs), and genre models of Romanticism. In their work, the “Confederation Poets” drew on the achievements of British and American romantics, in particular the Lake School of Poets (W. Wordsworth, R. Southey, S.T. Coleridge) and R.W. Emerson, while at the same time striving to develop national Canadian literature and reflect in their works the essential features of Canadian reality. Ch. Roberts is often referred to as the “father of Canadian poetry”. His works depict the beauty and majesty of Canada’s wilderness, where nature becomes not just a backdrop against which the feelings of the lyrical hero unfold, but a means of reflection, understanding a person’s deep personal connection with the world around them, self-absorption and introspection. A. Lampman’s work is characterized by its deep connection to nature, its lyrical beauty, and its exploration of the Canadian landscape. His poetry is often marked by a profound sense of tranquility and introspection. In the poetry of D.C. Scott and W. Campbell, considerable attention is paid to the mysterious, otherworldly forces that interfere in people’s lives.
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