


resistance, concept, layer concept model, image, conceptual metaphor, discourse, corpus


The article represents metaphorization as a typical feature of the associating consideration of the RESISTANCE concept in American mind. The authors study the given concept via the layer model by A.M. Prykhodko. Among the layers of notion, image and values, we select the second component in attempting to reconstruct the associating potential of the RESISTANCE concept in the American community. The research topicality is conditioned by allied relationships between the USA and Ukraine from the strategic perspective to solve interstate conflicts. Therefore, it is relevant for us to learn the American experience of settling critical situations. The research is based on the conceptual metaphor methodology by G. Lakoff and M. Johnson in combination with the metaphorization order parameters by N.V. Tatsenko (the spatial, dimensional, discrete, possessive, artifact, personifying ones, etc.). As the research material, we apply a discourse mini-model – a 100-context sample from the Corpus of Contemporary American English. They represent objectivation of the lexeme «resistance» as the RESISTANCE concept name. The authors analyze the semantical valency of the RESISTANCE name (its adjacent and non-adjacent collocations) with the subsequent metaphor derivation. They correspond to associating images of the RESISTANCE concept within the layer model. Such images concern metaphors RESISTANCE is PLACE; THING; RESOURCE; FRAGMENT; PHYSICAL BODY; FACTOR; MACHINE; TOOL; HUMAN; PERCEIVING / FEELING / ANALYZING / RESPECTING OBJECT; PRODUCT / BUILDING; ENEMY / OPPONENT; DEFENDER. The highest frequency is shown by the metaphors RESISTANCE is RESOURCE; PHYSICAL BODY; HUMAN. Thus, it is the utilitarian and pragmatic sense in this image concept consideration that is the most important for the American community. Further studies can deal with clarifying the obtained results via broader corpus samples. We can provide a complex reconstruction of the single RESISTANCE layer model in the American mind. The RESISTANCE research on samples of other allies’ countries (the United Kingdom) may be conducted to compare the experience types of solving conflicts between several states.


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