



God, biblical name, linguistic image, a word-image, a folksong text


The article is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic stylistic means of verbalization of the image of God in the texts of the Ukrainian folk songs. In order to achieve the set goal, the language units that represent the image of God have been selected, and their specific semantics at various times has been described with the consideration of the mythical religious worldview of the folklore bearers. Texts, recorded in collections of the XX–XXI centuries. from different regions of Ukraine, as well as posted on the website «Ukrainian songs. 2003–2022» served as the material of the analysis. For the study, a descriptive method was used in order to systematize the components of the linguistic image in the paradigmatic and syntagmatic dimensions; a method of componential analysis of word semantics made it possible to distinguish elements of denotative, significative and connotative meanings of keywords; and a method of contextual analysis contributed to the establishment of the semantic and aesthetic functions of language units in the folk song text. The analysis of a large data source enabled us to find out that the linguistic image of God in the oldest sense is clearly depicted in the calendar and ritual songs of the winter cycle. Here it has a pre-Christian meaning and denotes the supernatural power personified in the deity, from which our ancestors asked for protection and support. According to K. Sosenko, this is a substitute for his great-grandfather – Grandfather, Didukh. At the same time, this image symbolizes a master of the era of a tribal life. Typical grammatical linguistic forms are deminutives-nouns, short constricted and unconstricted adjectives, consequences of ancient alternations o with and i, a diphtonized formation Buig – they all confirm the long tradition of developing the keyword-concept of God. It has been defined that the key biblical word – God – has a broadened semantic structure that includes such semes as <higher power>, <creator>, <protector/defendant>, <helper>, <father>, <master>, <peasant>, <grain grower>. It has been pointed out that there is no clear distinction between the linguistic images of God-father and God-son as a result of an apocryphal character of the folk poetry. It is noted that the linguistic image of God, which reflects the linguistic thinking of Ukrainians, acquired ethnolingual content and became an ethnosign of Ukrainian culture.


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