last name, first name, surnames of my classmates, first names of my classmates, surnames motivation, forming of surnames, suffix method.Abstract
Summary. The article deals with the study of the surnames and first names microsystem of my classmates at the Sambor Pedagogical School in Lviv region, graduates of 1975. The article analyzes the achievements of Ukrainian linguists in theoretical and practical studying of surnames and names problems (works of V. A. Gorpinich, L. T. Masenko, A. M. Popovsky, Yu. K. Redko, M. L. Chudash, etc.), their lexicographic works (V. A. Gorpinich, A.M. Zosimov, Yu. M. Novikova, Yu. K. Redko, L. G. Skrypnyk and N. P. Dzyatkovskaya, etc.). It is noted that the need of the comprehensive surnames and names of individual social groups study in general, and specific localities in particular, is of interest to the researchers of historical and comparative onomastics. It is established that almost half of the surnames of my classmates are formed from proper names and their dialect forms: Kalina – Kalinich, Petro – Petrishin, Stepan – Stepanyuk, Yurko (variant of the name Yuriy) – Yurkevich, Yusip (variant of the name Joseph) – Yusypovich, the rest – from the names of flora and fauna: Sliva – Slivar, Yavir – Yavorskaya, Lev – Levitskaya; family’s ties: Pip – Popovich, Did – Pradid, etc. Most of the surnames of my classmates is proved to be formed in a suffix way using word-forming suffixes: -ovich: Voyt-a – Voyt-vich, pip-Pop-ovich, Yusip –Yusip-vich; -сhuck: sipliv-y – Sipliv-chuck, kopi-ta – kopit-chuck; -ansk-: Vysok-y –Vysok-ansk-a, olkh-a – Olsh-ansk-a; -k-: gnid-a – Gnid-k-a, Komarnik-i – Komarnits-k-a and others. Four surnames are formed without affix: Varega, Deneka, Kachmar, Kikosh, one-in the prefix way: did – Pra-did. 17 names are popular among my classmates: 3 – male (Mikhaylo – 2, Vasyl and Yuriy – one each) and 14 – female (Galina – 5, Maria – 4, Yaroslava – 3, Ganna, Lyubov and Katerina – 2 each, Olga, Nadiya, Nataliya, Irina, Yevgenia, Stefania, Lubomira and Lyusya – one each). It is noted that the surnames and names of similar social groups in other regions of Ukraine require a comprehensive study, including in a comparative aspect.
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