olklore, language, genre, folklore consciousness, text, anthropological model, person, lyrical song, fairy tale, ballad, ideal.Abstract
Summary. The article analyzes modern folklore studies with an understanding of the anthropological model of Ukrainian oral traditional culture. On the example of various genres of folklore, modern scientists analyze the forms of representation of the human model, focusing on the problems of life and death, dramatic existence during wars and social cataclysms, the existential and aesthetic essence of folklore and its role in the formation of individual and collective consciousness, conceptual approaches in defining the concept “ideal” etc. Drawing parallels from lyric, lyric-epic and epic genres opens the way to understanding the triad natural – universal – individual in the life of a person and ethnic group. The polyaspect nature of the anthropological model of folklore, in particular the dialectic of ethical and aesthetic, rational and irrational, is revealed in the modern folkloristic discourse. The presence of specific structuring processes and the ambiguity of the interaction of the constructs of such a system led to its understanding from a phenomenological perspective, since everything that revolves around the essence of a person and his existence is outlined by the sphere of phenomena, first of all, by the anthropocentric meaning of the language that he creates. The anthropological dimension of modern scientific discourse is also connected with the actualization of the concept of “folkloric consciousness”, determined by a specific spiritual essence, thanks to which images, views, imperatives, ideals are represented in the artistic metastructure of an oral traditional work. The achievements of scientists confirm the statements about the synthesis of theoretical and applied aspects of folklore consciousness, since it is important not only in terms of the orientation of the individual in empirical and social spaces, but also becomes the basis of life, the source of the formation of the spiritual universe.
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