special vocabulary, terminology, thematic group, lexical-thematic group, names of furniture accessories, names of orthopedic pillows.Abstract
Summary. The article examines the modern vocabulary for the designation of small furniture accessories – the names of orthopedic pillows intended for sleep and rest. The semantics of these names is sufficiently extensive and original – they embody innovations in production, high standards of material quality. The purpose of the article – to carry out a linguistic analysis of the names of orthopedic pillows as part of the thematic group “Names of small furniture accessories”. To realize the goal, the following tasks have been defined: to identify as completely as possible the composition of nominations of small furniture accessories, to find out the sources of formation and replenishment of this vocabulary; carry out a lexical and thematic classification of the names of orthopedic pillows intended for sleep and rest. Research methods. The descriptive-analytical method, the method of classification and generalization was used for the analysis; techniques of interpretation and comparative analysis of linguistic material; structural and semantic analysis. The scientific novelty of the work is that, for the first time, a linguistic analysis of the names of small furniture accessories intended for sleep and rest is carried out using actual material that has not yet been the subject of research. Conclusions. As a result of the logical subject classification, the analyzed material made it possible to divide the furniture vocabulary into several lexical and thematic groups, among which the names of small furniture accessories are occupying a prominent place. Classification of the names of orthopedic pillows with a memory effect, intended for sleep and rest, was carried out according to semantic features, namely: purpose, function, filling or manufacturing material. A characteristic feature of nominations is a numerical or letter indicator indicating the number or series of the model, features of the elasticity of the product or size. The lexical-thematic subgroup “names of pillows by filling material” is the largest in terms of lexical units, since it is the one that determines the selection and advertising of the product. In the future, it is planned to study other names of small furniture accessories, in particular, pillows with down filling.
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