


English-language discourse, advertising, manipulation


Nowadays advertising in all forms of its manifestation is an important social institution and an important component of the culture of highly developed industrial countries, and it cannot be excluded from the sphere of public communications. Modern advertising is one of the original and actively developed types of literature. Due to the constant and wide usage of mass media, advertising texts inevitably become the subject of study by specialists in various fields – marketing and management, sociology and psychology, cultural studies and journalism. Of course, this linguistic phenomenon cannot but attract the attention of philologists, as advertising at its best is a very interesting stylistic “fusion” that includes elements of journalism, business communication and fiction. The main focus of the work is to study the linguistic features of advertising discourse as one of the types of institutional discourse. In recent decades, institutional discourse has been in the focus of attention of such sciences as sociolinguistics, pragmatics and text linguistics, its study is carried out by both domestic and foreign scientists. As a result of the scientific search for the outlined problem, an in-depth study was conducted, the main purpose of which was to study the ability of consumers to detect methods of influence in the advertising texts. The core of our article is aimed at the English-language advertising discourse, its manipulative strategies and the linguistic means of their implementation. In the course of the research, it was established that techniques of special composition of information and the image of an authoritative informant, emotional and expressive vocabulary and digital data were actively involved in its creation.


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