Anatoliy Shkulipa, addressed lyrics, dedication poem, addressee, artistic interpretationAbstract
Summary. The article examines the addressed lyrics in the collection “Chills” by Anatoly Shkulipa, among which are dedicated dedication poems, which are an important component of the poetic book and are of great importance in the cultural and historical context. Dedications clarify the range of prototexts, are an artistic document and an important interpretive code that allows the recipient to perceive the work and reveal hidden meanings in it. Dedication poems are considered by domestic scholars as non-canonical genres and meta-genre education, which absorbs three genre forms – message, dedication and poetic letter (V. Nazarets); as “reference” or “applied” (Yu. Klymyuk); as a mechanism of preservation and retransmission of individual, historical, cultural memory (L. Skoryna); as “invocative lyrics”, which is modeled by the process of the author’s address to the addressee (M. Tkachuk). In A. Shkulipa’s collection of poems “Chills” dedication poems do not always have genre reflexes in the title, they indicate the addressees with a small but capacious reference-characteristic (“Jubilee-philological” – to Alexander Zabarny – the dean on the occasion of the glorious anniversary of the philological Faculty of Nizhyn University named after Nikolai Gogol). The addressees of the poems-dedications of the collection “Chills”, of which there are more than thirty, are figures of Ukrainian culture, famous linguists and literary critics, classic writers, fellow writers – “Paralysis”, “Sincere Ode”, “On the horizon of eternal love”, “Chestnuts”, “Farewell”. The titles of some dedications present the theme and problem reflected by the author in the work, carry information about the addressee (“The Last Cry of Vasyl Stus”, “To Tychyna”), and the recipient receives the fact for his interpretation. Poems “Monologue before the last road”, “Bullet”, “Farewell” are situational dedications, which are associated with the fixation of the memory of events, the participant (witness) of which was the author of the dedication (recited poetry at the unveiling of monuments to Igor Kachurovsky, Vasyl Chumak, at the farewell to Stanislav Repyah). The peculiarity of the artistic organization of genre forms of addressed lyrics is that communication with the intratextual addressee is the subject of the image in them.
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